Author Archives: PPC

Quote for October “Don’t walk behind me: I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me: I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” Albert Camus. (Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2018)

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Feasts during October St Theresa of the Child Jesus – 1st October St Francis of Assisi – 4th October St Ignatius of Antioch – 17th October St John Paul II (Pope) – 22nd October

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New Appointment to Crosserlough Parish Bishop Leo O’Reilly has announced that Fr Peter McKiernan will succeed the late Fr Micheál Quinn as Parish Priest of Crosserlough. Fr Peter is currently the parish priest of Denn and will take up his … Continue reading

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Quote for September “When one door closes, another one opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the ‘closed door,’ that we do not see the ones which open for us”.  Alexander Graham Bell (Displayed on Divine … Continue reading

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Feasts during September St Gregory the Great (Pope) – September 3rd Birth of Mary – September 8th Our Lady of Sorrows – September 15th St Matthew (Apostle) – September 21st St Damian – September 26th St Vincent de Paul – … Continue reading

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Quote for August “A slip of the foot, you may soon recover; but a slip of the tongue you may never get over”. Benjamin Franklin. (Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2018)

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Feasts during August St John Vianney – August 4th Transfiguration of the Lord – August 6th St Dominic – August 8th St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross – August 9th St Laurence – August 10th St Clare – August 11th … Continue reading

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Fr Micheál J Quinn – RIP 19th October 1943 – 21st July 2018 Fr Micheál’s funeral Mass was celebrated by Bishop Leo O’Reilly in St Mary’s Church, Crosserlough on Thursday, July 26th 2018. He was laid to rest alongside his … Continue reading

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Quote for July “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. Winston Churchill (Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2018)

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Feasts during July St Thomas, Apostle – July 3rd St Maria Goretti – July 6th St Benedict, Patron of Europe – July 11th Our Lady of Mount Carmel – July 16th St James, Apostle – July 25th St Joachim and … Continue reading

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