Author Archives: PPC

Quote for May “Life is a game: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But no matter what your cards are in life, whether clubs, spades or diamonds, always remember – never play without a heart!” (Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries … Continue reading

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Confirmation 2018 Bishop Leo O’Reilly visited our parish on Saturday, 28th April 2018 to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. The ceremony took place in St Mary’s Church. Twenty-nine young candidates gathered at noon with their parents, families and sponsors. It … Continue reading

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Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies 2018 There were large crowds in attendance at the Easter ceremonies in the three churches of our parish. Many people were involved in planning, preparing and celebrating the various aspects of Holy Week – sacristans, … Continue reading

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Feasts During April The Annunciation of the Lord – April 9th Saint Stanislaus – April 11th Saint Bernadette – April 16th Saint Laserian – April 18th Saint George – April 23rd Saint Mark the Evangelist – April 25th Saint Pius … Continue reading

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Quote for April “There are two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle.” (Albert Einstein) (Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar, 2018)

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