Author Archives: PPC

Quote for March 2021 “The art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong things at a tempting moment!”. Dorothy Nevill (Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar … Continue reading

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Feasts during March 2021 St David, Patron of Wales – 1st March Mother’s Day – 14th March St Patrick, Patron of Ireland – 17th March St Joseph, Husband of Mary – 19th March Annunciation of the Lord – 25th March … Continue reading

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Trócaire Lenten Campaign 2021 

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Quote for February 2021 “Some flowers blossom best in the sun, others do well in the shade. Remember….God puts us where we grow best”. (Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2021)  

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Feasts during February 2021 St Brigid, Second Patron of Ireland – 1st February Presentation of the Lord – 2nd February St Blaise – 3rd February St Agatha – 5th February Our Lady of Lourdes – 11th February Ash Wednesday, Lent … Continue reading

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Quote for January 2021 “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, … Continue reading

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Feasts during January 2021 Epiphany – 6th January Baptism of the Lord – 10th January St Agnes – 21st January St Thomas Aquinas – 28th January      

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Quote for December 2020 “Lord, as the year draws to an end, we thank you for so much. For all the good and happy times, each smile and loving touch. We thank you, too, for other times, when things went … Continue reading

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Feasts during December 2020 St Francis Xavier – 3rd December Second Sunday of Advent – 6th December The Immaculate Conception – 8th December Our Lady of Guadalupe – 12th December Third Sunday of Advent – 13th December St John of … Continue reading

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Quote for November 2020 “Loving memories never die, as years roll on and days pass by. In our hearts a memory is kept of ones we loved and will never forget”. (Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2020)  

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