Quote for June 2019
“Treat your friends as you do your pictures and place them in their best light”. Jenny Jerome Churchill
(Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2019)

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First Holy Communion and Confirmation 

We congratulate the boys and girls from the three primary schools in our parish who made their First Holy Communion in 2019. The ceremonies proved to be special and memorable for all involved. A further thirty-two young people from the parish received the Sacrament of Confirmation in St Mary’s Church on 19th May. We ask God our Father, through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, to bless and guide our young parishioners as they begin a new phase in their lives.

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Feasts during May 2019
May is the Month of Mary

St Philip and St James (Apostles) – 3rd May
Our Lady of Fatima – 13th May
St Matthias (Apostle) – 14th May
St Brendan – 16th May

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Quote for May 2019
“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it”. Greg Anderson
(Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2019)

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Parish of Crosserlough 

Holy Week Church Services

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Céilí Mission in Crosserlough Parish

An invigorating team from Céilí Catholic Community visited Crosserlough Parish between March 3oth and April 14th 2019. During the first week of the mission the team visited the nine hundred homes throughout the parish and began immersing themselves in our community. Large congregations from within the parish and from further afield attended church services during week two. The services included Mass, adoration, prayer ministry, scripture, music, song, blessings and inspirational homilies. Relics of Padre Pio and St John Paul II were on public display in St Mary’s Parish Church in Crosserlough. Members of the Céilí team visited the three primary schools during the mission and the pupils hosted a wonderful evening of celebration in our churches. The mission has provided our community with renewed faith and hope. Further details on Céilí can be found at www.ceilicommunity.net.

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Quote for April 2019

“New life waking in the meadows, spring returns once more; Easter blessings touch our hearts and weary spirits soar. Share the hope of Easter morning, all this day can bring; share the wonder of the season and the joy of spring”. Iris Hesselden
(Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2019)

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Feasts during April 2019

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord – 14th April
Holy Thursday – 18th April
Good Friday – 19th April
Holy Saturday – 20th April
Easter Sunday – 21st April
St Mark, the Evangelist – 25th April
St Catherine of Sienna – 29th April
St Pius V – 30th April

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Quote for March 2019
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up”. Thomas Edison
(Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2019)

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Feasts during March 2019

St David – 1st March
Ash Wednesday – 6th March
St Patrick – 17th March
St Joseph – 19th March
Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord – 25th March

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