Altar Servers’ Outing – 23rd June 2018
As a parish community, we are blessed to have fantastic teams of altar servers (thirty-six servers in total) in the three churches of our parish. To show our appreciation, the Pastoral Council arranged a short outing for the boys and girls to Astra Bowl and McDonald’s (both in Cavan Town). It was a fun-filled time for the children and the adults enjoyed it too!

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Golden Jubilee: 16th June 1968-16th June 2018
We congratulate Fr Micheál Quinn (PP) on the 50th Anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood! May the Lord continue to guide him in his ministry.

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Feasts during June
Corpus Christi – June 3rd
St Charles Lwanga and Companions – June 4th
St Boniface – June 5th
Sacred Heart of Jesus – June 8th
St Colmcille, St Columba and Immaculate Heart of Mary – June 9th
St Barnabas – June 11th
St Anthony of Padua – June 13th
The Irish Martyrs – June 20th
St John Fisher and St Thomas More – June 22nd
Birth of St John the Baptist – June 24th
Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St Cyril of Alexandria – June 27th

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Quote for June
“Let us always meet each other with a smile”. Mother Teresa
(Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2018)

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First Holy Communion

We congratulate the boys and girls from the three primary schools in our parish who made their First Holy Communion over the past few weeks. Fr Micheál joined the children, their families and their friends, in Kilnaleck, Drumkilly and Crosserlough, to celebrate this important stage in the children’s faith journey. The children sang, read from scripture, carried forward gifts and received the Body of Jesus for the first time during the Masses. As a parish community, we thank all who helped prepare the children for this most special occasion. 

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Drumkilly Hall – Official Reopening

On Saturday, 5th May, about one hundred and fifty people assembled in Drumkilly for the blessing and official reopening of the newly restored parish hall. Fr Micheál Quinn led the blessing and spoke about the importance of the hall as a symbol of community. The Chairperson of Drumkilly Development Group, Tom Sullivan,  expressed his gratitude to all the volunteers, contractors, agencies and the community at large for their support at all levels during the project. The hall was officially reopened by RTE’s Midlands Correspondent,  Ciaran Mullooly. 


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Kilnaleck Social Services Celebrates 30 Years
May 1988 – May 2018

In May 1988, Mary Callan and the late Rose Reilly approached Monsignor McManus with the idea of setting up ‘Kilnaleck Social Services’. Monsignor gave his blessing to the inter-denominational and socially inclusive initiative. Thirty years later, the organisation remains as vibrant as ever. As a community, we remember and we congratulate everyone associated with the organisation since 1988 – its founders, its committees, the dedicated volunteers and of course the membership, past and present.

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Feasts during May (Mary’s Month)
St Philip and St James (Apostles) – May 3rd
Ascension Sunday – May 13th
St Matthias (Apostle) – May 14th
Pentecost Sunday – May 20th
Trinity Sunday – May 27th
St Joan of Arc – May 30th
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – May 31st


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Quote for May
“Life is a game: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But no matter what your cards are in life, whether clubs, spades or diamonds, always remember – never play without a heart!”
(Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar, 2018)

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Confirmation 2018

Bishop Leo O’Reilly visited our parish on Saturday, 28th April 2018 to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. The ceremony took place in St Mary’s Church. Twenty-nine young candidates gathered at noon with their parents, families and sponsors. It was a great occasion for all in attendance and also for the parish community. We pray that the ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ will enrich the lives of our young parishioners. 

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