Feasts during October 2020

Our Lady of the Rosary – 7th October

St Teresa of the Child – 1st October
Our Lady of the Rosary – 7th October
St Teresa of Avila – 15th October
St John Paul II, Pope – 22nd October
St Simon and St Jude, Apostles – 28th October




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Thank You Lord for the Harvest
Lord and bountiful creator,
Giver of grains and seeds,
Of fruits and berries and all that grows from the earth,
We thank you for this year’s harvest.
We lift up our hearts in gratitude to the sun, the rain, the wind and the earth.

We are grateful to all those who laboured in the earth,
So that this harvest time might come to fullness.
Yes it is hard work, but it is also richly rewarding,
To see the fruits of our toil
 and to take pride in this completed harvest.

We thank you Lord our God, for your protection and care during the harvest.
We bless you for the weather given to us for our work.
This harvest Lord, was not without its difficulties,
But we rejoice that the sun smiled on us, the wind cooled us down and the Earth laughed as we collected the produce. 





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Ordination of Bishop Martin Hayes

Bishop Martin prays over those gathered in the Cathedral and for those watching via webcam

The Episcopal Ordination Mass for the new Bishop of Kilmore, Most Reverend Martin Hayes, took place at 3pm on Sunday 20th September 2020, in the Cathedral of Saint Patrick and Saint Felim, Cavan.

The new Bishop with his family on the steps of the Diocesan Cathedral in Cavan

Bishop Martin was surrounded by his family, his friends, his fellow clergy and by parishioners from across the Diocese of Kilmore, for the laying on of hands and the prayer of ordination. During the ceremony he received the three symbols of his office as Bishop – a ring, a mitre and a crozier.

Bishop Martin receiving his ring, his mitre and his crozier during the ordination ceremony

Unfortunately, due to coronavirus restrictions, the full Cathedral Choir could not be present, but those who were able to attend enriched the ceremony with their singing. A recording of the Episcopal Ordination Mass can be viewed by clicking this link: Episcopal Ordination Mass September 2020

Bishop Martin with some of his fellow clergy following his Episcopal Ordination





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Quote for September 2020

“The pessimist complains about wind. The optimist expects it to change. The realist adjusts the sails”.
(Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2020)


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Feasts during September 2020

St Gregory the Great, Pope – 3rd September
Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mother  – 8th September
St Ciarán – 9th September
Our Lady of Sorrows – 15th September
St Cornelius and Cyprian – 16th September
St Mathew, Apostle – 21st September
St Damian – 26th September
St Michael, St Gabriel and St Raphael, Archangels – 29th September




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Quote for August 2020
“Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent”.  Marilyn vos Savant
(Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2020)


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Feasts during August 2020

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

St John Vianney – 4th August
Transfiguration of the Lord  – 6th August
St Dominic – 8th August
St Lawrence – 10th August
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – 15th August
Our Lady of Knock – 17th August
St Bernard – 20th August
St Pius X, Pope – 21st August
St Bartholomew – 24th August
St Monica – 27th August
St Augustine – 28th August




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Feasts during July 2020

St Ignatius Loyola (Founder of the Jesuits) Feast Day – 31st July

St Oliver Plunkett, Bishop – 1st July
St Thomas, Apostle – 3rd July
St Maria Goretti – 6th July
St Benedict, Patron of Europe – 11th July
St Bonaventure – 15th July
Our Lady of Mount Carmel – 16th July
St Mary Magdalene – 22nd July
St Bridget of Sweden – 23rd July
St James, Apostle – 25th July
St Martha – 29th July
St Ignatius Loyola – 31st July




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Quote for July 2020
“Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold”.  Maurice Setter
(Displayed on Divine Word Missionaries Calendar 2020)


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Feasts during June 2020

The Holy Trinity

St Boniface – 5th June
Trinity Sunday – 7th June
St Columba – 9th June
St Barnabas – 11th June
Corpus Christi – 14th June
Sacred Heart of Jesus – 19th June
Immaculate Heart of Mary – 20th June
St John Fisher and St Thomas More – 22nd June
Birth of St John the Baptist – 24th June
St Peter and St Paul – 29th June




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