Ordination of Bishop Martin Hayes

Bishop Martin prays over those gathered in the Cathedral and for those watching via webcam

The Episcopal Ordination Mass for the new Bishop of Kilmore, Most Reverend Martin Hayes, took place at 3pm on Sunday 20th September 2020, in the Cathedral of Saint Patrick and Saint Felim, Cavan.

The new Bishop with his family on the steps of the Diocesan Cathedral in Cavan

Bishop Martin was surrounded by his family, his friends, his fellow clergy and by parishioners from across the Diocese of Kilmore, for the laying on of hands and the prayer of ordination. During the ceremony he received the three symbols of his office as Bishop – a ring, a mitre and a crozier.

Bishop Martin receiving his ring, his mitre and his crozier during the ordination ceremony

Unfortunately, due to coronavirus restrictions, the full Cathedral Choir could not be present, but those who were able to attend enriched the ceremony with their singing. A recording of the Episcopal Ordination Mass can be viewed by clicking this link: Episcopal Ordination Mass September 2020

Bishop Martin with some of his fellow clergy following his Episcopal Ordination





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