Thank You Lord for the Harvest
Lord and bountiful creator,
Giver of grains and seeds,
Of fruits and berries and all that grows from the earth,
We thank you for this year’s harvest.
We lift up our hearts in gratitude to the sun, the rain, the wind and the earth.

We are grateful to all those who laboured in the earth,
So that this harvest time might come to fullness.
Yes it is hard work, but it is also richly rewarding,
To see the fruits of our toil
 and to take pride in this completed harvest.

We thank you Lord our God, for your protection and care during the harvest.
We bless you for the weather given to us for our work.
This harvest Lord, was not without its difficulties,
But we rejoice that the sun smiled on us, the wind cooled us down and the Earth laughed as we collected the produce. 





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